Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Final Cluster day

Today once again we started by sharing an idea of how we use ict in our classrooms. I shared how my kids and I use voicethread to share our learning with parents. One of our members shared this website that I thought was very useful when you want to buy equipment for schools. Then BJ shared ideas about using peer coaching. This means supporting each other to reflect on practice and identify ways to improve practise. I think peer coaching gets effective with practise, it was very hard to peer coach someone as we often tend to advise people and tell them what to do instead of encouraging them to come up with something!
I would like to explore the digital software so that I could use digital content with my students. A lot of this was new to me and I need some time to think about it.
Overall a very fruitful day!

1 comment:

Belinda said...

So glad you enjoyed your day! I agree, peer coaching will take a bit of practice to get the hang of but I definitely like the concept.