A very fruitful 3 days. The focus being e-portfolios. My teams were busy setting up goals and success criterias for their pupils. I worked alongside children supporting them to log in and type in their goals on their K-net page. Wow! the year 2's were really onto it. Lots of them were able to log in with just alittle help/reminder and after being at school for a year they could recognise the letters to use the keyboard to input their goals. I was really amazed and enjoyed watching them do this. Well done to all our teachers last year that helped these kids. Your efforts have paid off. The children can only get better from here on. Some Year 1 classes had sessions with me to learn to log in using a username and password. They were eager to do this. The rest of the time I put in goals for classes. I also showed my class how to use Photo booth and take pictures of buddies to put on their More about me page. The looks and excitement in their eyes and voices was something not to be missed. Hopefully everyone benefitted from this release. I got to see different ways goals and success criterias were written and got to meet alot of kids from the syndicate.